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Sustainability Policy and AIDA Group Human Rights Policy

Sustainability Policy (ESG)

We will apply the AIDA Group corporate philosophy of "AIDA will grow as a forming system builder and continue its contribution to people and community" to build long-term relationships of trust with the community--including our stakeholders--and strive to achieve a sustainable society and increase corporate value.

  • Manufacturing User-Friendly and Environmentally Friendly Products (E)
  • Creating Value That Contributes to Societal Development (S)
  • Improving Governance to Achieve Harmony with Society (G)

AIDA Group Human Rights Policy

In accordance with the fundamental principles set forth in the United Nations' (UN) "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights," the International Labor Organization's (ILO) "Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work," and other international norms, the AIDA Group will clearly state these norms in its "AIDA Group Action Guidelines" as well as establish basic policies regarding human rights and engage in corporate management that respects the human rights of all people.

  • Principles Relating to Human Rights
  • (1)We will respect the dignity and basic human rights of all concerned parties and will create a corporate culture that fully respects human dignity.
  • (2)We will maintain healthy transparent relations with customers and business partners.
  • (3)We will appropriately disclose information such as management policies and business performance, etc., required by concerned parties such as stockholders and investors to enhance the transparency of our business activities.
  • (4)In this era of globalization, we will have respect for all cultural customs and traditions, and we will contribute to the development of local communities.
  • (5)We will prohibit all forms of harassment.
  • (6)We will prohibit all forms of forced labor and child labor, including at our business partners.
  • Human Rights Due Diligence
  • (1)We will establish and continuously implement a full battery of mechanisms to understand and evaluate risks related to human rights and to verify and improve the efficacy of our efforts.
  • (2)When potential or actual human rights-related risks are ascertained and confirmed at our business partners, etc., we will implement corrective and preventive measures in accordance with applicable procedures.
  • Establishing a Remedy Mechanism

In April 2008 we established the "AIDA Group Compliance Hotline," which enables multi-language reporting and consultation. In 2015, a new point of contact outside of the company was added to the existing internal point of contact to expand the range of reporting options.

Please refer to the link below for information about our Contributions to Society and Environmental Initiatives (CSR)

Health Management

Since people are our most critical management resource, we place a high priority on creating a work environment in which employees feel motivated, safe, and secure. In May 2023, we established the Health and Productivity Management Declaration.
We are developing a wide array of initiatives to help promote the physical and mental health of every employee and their immediate family.

The Health and Productivity Management Declaration

AIDA ENGINEERING, LTD. believes that in order to achieve its corporate philosophy of “growing as a forming systems builder and contributing to people and community” that it is important to provide a rewarding, safe, and secure environment where employees can work to their fullest potential.
AIDA ENGINEERING, LTD. also believes it is essential to further improve the mental and physical health of its employees, its greatest management resource, and declares its commitment to health and productivity management.

Corporate Information